You people don’t believe me? Look around. Check the date probably, have look at your cell phones sms traffic , switch on the television and you’ll find most of the channels changing their logos to some vivid red colored hearts and ribbons with cheap animations of two roses shaking around them. On the social networking sites there will be loads of applications helping you find your true love. Celebrities wishing you happy V-day and blah blah, the newspapers page 3 you’ll get to know whether shahid found his next didi an all. Its love season guys, well the cold has certainly left and the sun is shining bright, the lawns of Victoria memorial and Millennium Park is filled with couples expressing their love for their loved ones in all kinds of desi and firangi istyle.
This is how the oxford dictionary defines love-
[Mass noun]
1 a strong feeling of affection:
Babies fill parents with intense feelings of love
Their love for their countrya
A strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone:
They were both in love with her
We were slowly falling in love
Affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf:
Give her my love
A formula for ending an affectionate letter:
Take care, lots of love, Judy
For full details go to
Wikipedia says Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. In some religious contexts, love is not just a virtue, but the basis for all being, as in the Roman Catholic phrase, "God is love". Love may also be described as actions towards others (or oneself) based on compassion. Or as actions towards others based on affection. Click on for the full article.
But you people might think why a.Khan is suddenly interested all this love and stuff???
No I haven’t found a girl……..nor do I intend to do so.
Its that are you people blind??? Don’t you have the courage to remove the invisible glasses on your eyes and see the actual picture? Use your brains not your kidneys. Do you really think that the person that you are seeing for the last one month or year or even more actually “loves” you?? Well before I ask you that I would like to know whether you think that the “love” that you think is love actually exist??
Well I’m sorry to say but I DON’T THINK SO.
Now before you jump to some conclusions here I must tell you I’m not one of those extremists lobbying to ban your loved V-Day and make public display of affection a crime, nor am I with the shiv sena or Sangh parivar who has vowed to film kissing couples this V-Day and post them on YouTube(If you find them then please do flag them).
What I’ll intend to do is to try to wake you up from this trance that you are in and give a little insight on love. In order to do that I want you to imagine a world where love simply vanished into thin air over night. Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning and “love is gone”. No, wars will not break out but this is what will happen.
The wall streets and dalal streets will crash, nothing else.
Do you know the market value of love???
Hold your breath, wait for it, its more than 3 trillion US dollars(multiply with 50 to get is rupees).
Love in today’s world is so commercialized that the x and y generation simply just wanna fall in love, It doesn’t matter if they are actually in love or not. From day 1 of their life they are constantly spoon fed with love that they would subconsciously kill someone just to fall in love. As if, if they are not in “love” they do not exist. From how Cinderella found her prince charming to all those complicated twilight love stories. Books, Films, Music, T.V. , newspapers, magazines.The processor in their brain is all ways busy analyzing the signals and transmissions coming from the opposite sex and their RAMs are packed with data gathered from friends and media.
Its time you realized that the commercialistic capitalistic world is playing with your brain. It’s your brain, not some art clay which they will mould according to their greed. In a loveless world who will buy all those roses and chocolates, music industry, the whole of Bollywood and partly Hollywood will have to pack up. Cell phone operators will have to sell food products and T.V. channels will be out of news (the only news they show these days is which celebrity hooked up with whom) and ideas for soap operas. Humans developed straight spines because they questioned, so question everything, start reasoning. The whole drama that is going around you is not “love” it’s just a huge corporate propaganda to reap you of your (well actually your parents) hard earned money. It’s like one of those cover stories of the CIA or KGB or our desi RAW. Only that it is so big that no one bothers to think about it. So think again, recheck your blue print, scan for the bugs and malwares, balance your charts, and don’t let this inception planted in your brain take over you.
Don’t fall in love just to be in love and later sing “Every rose has its thorn” but find the right one and say “You can run you can hide but you can’t escape my love”